Saffron Panna Cotta Recipe


Saffron Panna Cotta, A sweet and tasty dessert with an easy-to-make recipe

Panna Cotta is a traditional Italian dessert similar to pudding. Its recipe includes cream, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, gelatin, and honey. Panna Cotta became popular in the United States in the 1990s.

This saffron Panna Cotta is going to become your favourite desert. It’s delicious, creamy, sweetened, and takes no time to make and enjoy.


Let’s move on to the Saffron Paana Cotta’s preparation: 

  • Prep Time : 11–15 minutes
  • Cook time : 31–40 minutes
  • Serve : 4
  • Level of Cooking :Medium
  • Taste : Sweet

Ingredients for Saffron Panna cotta Recipe:

  • Saffron 7-8 strand
  • Fresh heavy cream 2 cups
  • Milk 1 cup
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Gelatin 1 tablespoon
  • Pure vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon 
  • Honey 4 tablespoons 
  • Crushed roasted salted pistachios 1 tablespoon 
  • 6 fresh raspberries

The Method Of Making:

Step 1:

Boil milk along with saffron and sugar in a deep pan. Mix continuously until sugar dissolves.

Step 2:

Transfer into a bowl and let it be cool. Add cream and mix well. Soften gelatine in four tablespoons of hot water and mix till dissolved. Pass it through a strainer into the milk and mix well.

Step 3:

Add 4 tablespoons of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence to the pan.Mix everything well so that the honey is equally distributed into the cream.

Step 4:

Pour into bowls or glasses. Place them in the refrigerator to set.

Step 5:

Sprinkle a few strands of saffron and add the pistachio and the raspberries and enjoy this delightful dessert cold.

Saffron Panna Cotta Recipe | Just Cook!

Conclusion: :

A delicious yellow Panna Cotta made with saffron. Love this Panna Cotta’s unique flavour and colour.


  1. You will get the most flavour and colour from the saffron when you crush it into a powder using a mortar and pestle.
  2. Incase you are using gelatin powder, bloom the desired amount of gelatin into 4 times water.

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